September 21, 2024
CNN  —  The House Oversight Comm.......


The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday rejected a GOP effort to seek documents related to the Biden family’s international business deals, as Republicans attempt to lay the groundwork to investigate Hunter Biden under a GOP-led House.

Republicans on the committee forced a vote on a so-called “resolution of inquiry,” which called on the administration to hand over a wide swath of documents related to the Biden family’s business deals overseas. Democrats, however, voted down the resolution following two hours of debate over the issue. (The final tally was 23 Democrats voted to report the resolution unfavorably out of committee, while 19 Republicans voted against reporting it unfavorably.)

Rep. James Comer, the top Republican on the Oversight panel, accused the Bidens of peddling “access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves” and said it was imperative to get answers because of national security concerns.

“If the Democrats vote against this resolution, then they are continuing in their coordinated effort to shield a potentially compromised President from necessary congressional oversight,” Comer said. “We must shed light on the Biden family’s international business schemes to determine if there is a national security threat.”

Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney responded that the GOP’s priorities are “misplaced” and accused Republicans of just trying to “smear” Biden and boost Donald Trump by targeting Biden’s family members.

“This is a nakedly partisan effort,” the New York Democrat said, calling the Republicans “obsessed” with Hunter Biden and saying the GOP skirted all oversight responsibilities while Trump was in office.

While the resolution went nowhere, as was expected, this is just the latest sign that House Republicans plan to zero in on President Joe Biden’s son with their investigative powers if they win back the majority this fall. Comer has previously told CNN he wants to haul Hunter Biden in front of the committee for congressional hearings, and Republicans have already sent dozens of letters to the administration seeking information on the topic.

Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and top Senate Republicans on Monday called on the Biden administration to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, arguing it’s necessary to avoid the appearance of impropriety. The letter was signed by more than 30 Senate Republicans, including McConnell, Senate GOP Whip John Thune and Sen. John Cornyn.

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